03 聖誕的邀約(台: 聖誕之邀請)
A Christmas Invitation07 節慶頌歌集錦(台:相及來吟聖誕歌)
A Festival Gathering of Carols17 在風中傳來一首歌(台:活氣運行,有一首歌)
Upon the Wind, There Comes a Song27 來自先知的應許(台:對先知有應允顯明)
From the Prophet Comes a Promise39 喜樂的歌(台:快樂之歌)
A Song of Joy
A Christmas Invitation07 節慶頌歌集錦(台:相及來吟聖誕歌)
A Festival Gathering of Carols17 在風中傳來一首歌(台:活氣運行,有一首歌)
Upon the Wind, There Comes a Song27 來自先知的應許(台:對先知有應允顯明)
From the Prophet Comes a Promise39 喜樂的歌(台:快樂之歌)
A Song of Joy
49 群星悄然進行(台:星辰緩仔振動)
The Silent Stars Go By
59 安慰和喜樂(台:安慰及快樂)
Comfort and Joy
74 仰望銀色天空(台:注神燦爛穹蒼)
Look to the Silver Sky
85 頌讃快樂聖誕(合:來吟快樂聖誕歌)
Sing of a Merry Christmas
97 大喜樂的信息(台:大歡喜之好消息)
Glad Tiding of Great Joy
